From the past

Hello Hampton. It's Ashley. Looking at the date, it reads August 7, 2008. As I write this, I would like you to know that we are dating at this point. I have no idea what your future self is doing or how your life is as you read this email. I suppose if you have dumped me by this point, it would be weird saying how much I love you, but I do care for you. I found this really awesome website which lets me send e-mails at a future date. I'm hoping as of this moment that you will stick to your promise to one day propose to me. You are an amazing guy...perfect in every way a girl could think of. I love you very much right now, so please remember I sent this in 2008, and don't be freaked out by it. Happy Birthday btw. I hope Art of Arson is famous and rocking right I also hope to still be by your side. Stay cool Scruffles...Love, your Sexy Kitty.
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